Make curls with by means of ironing form hair straightener

If you do not curling, the beautiful undulating stacking can be done by means of leveling ironing. How to align the hair with s by means of ironing we have already mentioned in the previous article, and in this article we will describe how to do curls with by means of rectifying flat ironing for hair. With curls on the power of ironing – this is the secret of beauty and elegant wavy hairstyles of Hollywood s on limonite. But this beautiful hairstyle and Flat iron reviews can be easily and quickly make itself at home and not look worse than the famous actress and singer.

Spinning waves on bole convenient round curl ironing, but you can ICs for love and flat iron is thus: hold a small section of hair at a distance of 5 cm from the roots of the hair between the formation on of ironing and ironing wrap it around once or expand itself pad at 180 degrees around its circumference, and then slowly spend down along the length of the loco on.

End of the strand can be spun into or onto Rouge. The slower you will spend, especially in the torsion will be hair s, if carried out quickly – make light loose waves. If you want vertical wave – keep pad, small – choose small strands, large – long strands.Wavy hairstyle with by means of ironing can be done both on the long and on the short hair s.

If you have short hair bob, bob, or by e boy is packing to do so – Hair n s share parade on chi on me from the back of the head, and fasten the ends of the hair in one on the board, slightly deviating from the roots. Wavy hairstyle for short hair’s volume gives hair am.Innovation in fashion hairstyles curls are angular zigzags. To make zigzag waves with angles, hair s share in the strands, strand placed on a rectangular piece of foil and squares. When you are on the strand in place a bag of foil, clamp it for 3-5 seconds. Then remove foil and brush curl.